大家好!2021年天津大学第12届内燃机暑期国际课堂将于2021年8月5日至8月11日以线上授课的形式举办,为了方便全球专家和学者交流,授课时间定为每天晚上7:30-9:00(北京时间)。本届暑期课堂邀请了来自澳大利亚新南威尔士Shawn Kook教授,丰田汽车研发中心(中国)有限公司Mitsuto Sakai部长,天津大学焦魁教授,德国FEV 副总裁Matthias Thewes博士,德国IAV GmbH的Ulmer Hubertus Christian博士,英国布鲁奈尔大学赵华院士,奥地利AVL List GmbH的Gernot Graf博士。七位学者将就未来内燃动力低碳和碳中和方向展开课程讲解。本次为期7场的暑期课堂对国内外高校师生、企业及院所的研发人员和技术人员免费开放(不收注册费和听课费)。授课网址:采用Zoom在线授课和讨论(可容纳1000人),ZOOM ID:98004782392,敬请关注!Email: haifengliu@tju.edu.cn
Dear colleagues
The 12th international summer school on internal combustion engines in Tianjin University will be held in the form of online from August 5 to August 11, 2021. In order to facilitate the exchange of experts and scholars around the world, the teaching time is set at 7:30-9:00 pm (Beijing time).Prof. Shawn Kook from The University of New South Wales in Australia, Mr. Mitsuto Sakai from Toyota Motor R & D Center (China) Co., Ltd., Prof. Jiao Kui from Tianjin University, Dr. Matthias Thewes from FEV GmbH in Germany, Dr. Ulmer Hubertus Christian from IAV GmbH in Germany, Prof. Hua Zhao from Brunel University London in the UK, and Dr. Gernot Graf from AVL list GmbH in Austria were invited to this summer school. Seven outstanding scholars will explain the direction of low-carbon and carbon neutralization of internal combustion power in the future.This summer school is free for teachers and students of colleges and universities at home and abroad, R & D personnel and technicians of enterprises and institutes (no registration fee).Teaching website: Zoom is used for online teaching and discussion (can accommodate 1000 people),ZOOM ID:98004782392, Please pay attention!Email: haifengliu@tju.edu.cn
Organized by
State Key Laboratory of Engines (Tianjin University)
Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines
China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association
Collaborative Innovation Center on Internal Combustion Power